When it rains remember God Reins

Ezra 3:10-11 recalls, "When the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the LORD, the priests stood in their apparel with trumpets, and the Levites, the sons of Asaph, with cymbals, to praise the LORD, according to the ordinance of David king of Israel. And they sang responsively, praising and giving thanks to the LORD."

Is it easier to praise God in the good or the bad? When things are good I sometimes forget to thank God for all that He has done. However, when things are too good, I find I want to hold onto the moment for fear it will not come again. God, forgive me for this fear as it does rob me of your joy!" I find when things are really tough, I get to praying. Why does this matter? It matters because "walking with the Lord" is to acknowledge God in the small and the big - the hard and the easy times in our lives. It is borne out of gratitude in all situations and in acceptance of whatever or wherever God needs us to be. It's talking to Him or just sitting at His feet.

Each of us has talents. Some are very obvious, some are behind the scenes - thank you for our unsung heroes!!!

I used to get upset and feel guilty that I could not contribute or donate to some organizations. Hear me on this - GOD does NOT want us to be stretched so thin that we are ineffective and grow to be burnt out. The priests wore linen at God's commandment because He wants his people to not sweat. He wants us to be renewed and refreshed. God renews our cups if we let Him. He doesn't want us as doormats taken for granted, aching because our own needs are not met (notice I said needs), and our families broken to serve God. I really don't think this is at all what God wants. So, what am I saying or asking?? Everyone goes through different trials, tribulations, hardships, and joys. All of us are unique and when all of us are responding to others' needs from our hearts we can experience real connections. Our experiences can bring someone else hope, encouragement, and even a reminder that God loves each of us as we are each His. Sing of God's praise and with a grateful heart be ready to share or go where He needs us to be.